Tag: Poor Digestion
The Colon: This Overlooked Organ is Causing You More Trouble Than You Think!
Did you know that lower back and pelvic pain can actually be a result of your colon? In today’s article Chloé Sardin explains why the correlation between digestive problems and back or pelvic pain should be more common knowledge. Also if you’ve never heard of the brain-gut connection, look no further! I…
Your Child’s Asthma/Eczema/Allergies might be Related to his/her Intestines
At birth, our digestive tract is sterile meaning it does not contain bacteria. It is during the birthing process that our digestive tract becomes colonized by bacteria from the mother’s vagina, colon, and rectum. Let’s compare this to a Baby Born by C-Section Since babies delivered by caesarean do not go through the…
Bronchitis, Bloatedness, Eczema, and Pirates: The Story of Emunctories
Five Very Unexpected Symptoms Related to Your Liver Health
Spring time: does it make you think about blooming flowers, birds singing, and warmer temperatures? As a practitioner, spring is also the time of year patients come with symptoms related to their liver (which, interestingly enough, is also when TCM doctors believe it is working the hardest). The liver’s job is to…
When It’s More than Your Bones: The Link Between Your Lower Back and Your Intestines
Today’s article is about the significant link between your lower back and your intestines, and how back pain can actually be caused by poor gut health in many cases. As Osteopathic therapists, we are often asked how Osteopathy is different from Chiropractic, and here is an example to illustrate it: Paul came…
No, You Probably Didn’t “Sleep Funny”…
The Colon: This Overlooked Organ is Causing You More Trouble Than You Think!

Did you know that lower back and pelvic pain can actually be a result of your colon? In today’s article Chloé Sardin explains why the correlation between digestive problems and back or pelvic pain should be more common knowledge. Also if you’ve never heard of the brain-gut connection, look no further! I…
Your Child’s Asthma/Eczema/Allergies might be Related to his/her Intestines

At birth, our digestive tract is sterile meaning it does not contain bacteria. It is during the birthing process that our digestive tract becomes colonized by bacteria from the mother’s vagina, colon, and rectum. Let’s compare this to a Baby Born by C-Section Since babies delivered by caesarean do not go through the…
Bronchitis, Bloatedness, Eczema, and Pirates: The Story of Emunctories
Five Very Unexpected Symptoms Related to Your Liver Health

Spring time: does it make you think about blooming flowers, birds singing, and warmer temperatures? As a practitioner, spring is also the time of year patients come with symptoms related to their liver (which, interestingly enough, is also when TCM doctors believe it is working the hardest). The liver’s job is to…
When It’s More than Your Bones: The Link Between Your Lower Back and Your Intestines

Today’s article is about the significant link between your lower back and your intestines, and how back pain can actually be caused by poor gut health in many cases. As Osteopathic therapists, we are often asked how Osteopathy is different from Chiropractic, and here is an example to illustrate it: Paul came…