“I have seen such a difference in Eleanor this past week since she saw you. She has been eating and sleeping so well and is very happy. I think you helped get the last of the infection out. Hoping she keeps her immunity up! Your treatments really do make a difference for her.”
“Hi Chloé, thank you so much for helping with Henry last night. His transformation since the treatment has been amazing. His vitality and appetite is back and his head feels so much better. I appreciate you so much!”
“Our son had colic and nothing worked until we brought him to you. Every session with you, he got better and better. …He was only 2.5 months old then, but he is now 5 years old and full of energy. He’s a kind, loving and smart boy. Thank you again.”
“Chloé! Isaiah is honestly a different baby! He went from crying 4-5 or more hours a day to crying maybe a half hour in total the last couple of days – normal! He went from taking over an hour of screaming for me to put him to sleep, to taking 5 CALM minutes. …I no longer dread when he wakes up. …Everyone was commenting on how great of a baby he was…they should have seen him prior to Thursday. …Finally, I’m enjoying my baby. Thank you so much.”
“Each day, I feel more and more like my former self. It’s such an incredible feeling to have my life back. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“In one session, she found the root cause and did some visceral work on the organs in my abdomen. She explained the causes as being both lifestyle/stress-related and explained its effect on my organs. By the time I got off the table, I felt 75% better and was feeling well on my way to 100% better in a few days. What a relief!”
“A month later, she’s been over a week without a single accident. She’s so excited and super proud since she was starting to feel like this was hanging over her head…. I feel like this is related to her treatment, and I wanted to say thank you. We really appreciate all you do for our family.”
“Chloé did not just treat my symptoms; she assessed everything. I was delightfully surprised how different her approach was from any other professionals. I distinctly remember her saying when I asked her how often I should see her and she said “I’d rather get you fixed and feeling great as soon as possible so I am not going to tell you to come five times a week: come when you think you need to, but when my patients are feeling great, that means I’ve done my job right.” There was no pressure and she fixed me.”
“Hi Chloé! Michael was sick the week before he saw you. After Michael’s appointment with you, he went right to sleep in the van. The next day, Michael made some pretty amazing progress! Michael framed his father. He became mischievous. I’ve never seen this. It was awesome!”
“I felt immediate relief and gained significant mobility after the first session. [Chloé] treated me weekly for about three weeks, then every other week for a few treatments and finally told me that if I followed her home exercises, that she would not have to see me anymore. She was absolutely right.”
“Chloé is one of the most talented health-care practitioners of any discipline, with an uncanny ability to find the source of issues that others have often missed…”
“Thank you for all of your support and healing presence yesterday. I so appreciate all that you do for me (and everyone lucky enough to have you as their practitioner.)”
“(Our sons) Wyatt and Henry had the best sleeps in a long time and slept in an hour more than usual. Thank you so much.”
“I just wanted to express my appreciation for the beautiful and very deep treatment yesterday… there has been a profound balancing and softening through my glutes, pelvis, spine and shoulders since. I am feeling a restoration of wholeness and flow and look forward to continuing this process of healing with you.”
Chloé graduated with honours from the six year program at the Institut Supérieur d’Ostéopathie of Lyon in France. Her introduction to Osteopathy started at an early age with some treatment, and she “magically” got better–or at least that’s what she thought at the time! Her curiosity led her to studying what really goes on during an Osteopathic treatment. Helping patients feel better and bringing them to the path of health seemed like the most rewarding job in the world, using her brain, hands, and heart at the same time!
Chloé has expertise in a wide range of techniques: gentle hands-on work, Cranio-sacral therapy (Cranial Osteopathy), visceral manipulation, muscle work, and joint mobilizations. Her depth of skill in many Osteopathic techniques help her resolve some of her patients’ most complex health conditions and adapt each treatment to the patient’s specific needs. Chloé is always up for a challenge!
“Helping patients recover and get better is like a game of Clue: in order to assist them, an Osteopathic therapist has to find the cause of the patient’s symptoms. The body has all the information stored in. We are combining our knowledge of the body with our palpatory hands-on skills.”
Over her years of experience, she has helped babies and kids, mothers, migraine sufferers, patients involved in terrible car accidents and falls, workaholic entrepreneurs, as well as athletes, her patients have experienced a significant decrease in their pain and have benefited from her holistic treatment and her advice on lifestyle, posture, exercises, relaxation, breathing, and dietary recommendations.
“I came to see Chloé after I had been suffering from severe migraines for two years, after being in a car accident.
The migraines were debilitating and effected my overall quality of life, participation in sports, and mood. I had gone to physiotherapy, acupuncture and massage therapy to try and rid myself of the migraines and nothing seemed to work. It was frustrating and disheartening. My mom recommended Chloé to me, and despite not being too sure what an Osteopath did, I decided to give it a try. Taking a chance turned out to be worth it!
Chloé is exceptional: she took interest in my injury and diligently sought to identify the source of the migraines. Within a few treatments, Chloé was able to correct the issue. I am so thankful for the care that I have received from Chloé, she is both professional and personable, committed to her patients health and well-being.”– Richelle M.
Chloé is passionate about Osteopathy and believes that learning is a lifelong journey. That is why she keeps adding to her toolbox to improve her skills in order to help as many patients as possible, which leads her to further her education in Biodynamic Osteopathy by taking courses both in the United States, where she was lucky to study with Dr. James Jealous, as well as in Europe a few times each year.
Chloé is taking a special interest in treating babies and children, and has furthered her expertise by pursuing a pediatric post-graduate program in Oregon, a post-graduate program in Pediatrics with the Switzerland Osteopathic Centre for Children, followed by one in the Bavarian Pediatric School & Clinic for Traditional Osteopathy in Germany.
Testimonials for Chloé Sardin
Here’s what her patients are saying:
Your treatments really do make a difference
“I have seen such a difference in Eleanor this past week since she saw you. She has been eating and sleeping so well and is very happy. I think you helped get the last of the infection out. Hoping she keeps her immunity up! Your treatments really do make a difference for her.”
– Elyse
His transformation since the treatment has been amazing
“Hi Chloé,
Thank you so much for helping with Henry last night. His transformation since the treatment has been amazing. His vitality and appetite is back and his head feels so much better.
I appreciate you so much!”
– Jenna
Nothing worked until we brought him to you
“Our son had colic and nothing worked until we brought him to you. Every session with you, he got better and better. We never got a chance to come back and tell you how much you helped us. He was only 2.5 months old then, but he is now 5 years old and full of energy. He’s a kind, loving and smart boy. Thank you again.”
– Cherry C.
In one session, she found the root cause
“I have found Chloé to be a wise, perceptive, intuitive and talented healer who listens to both the client and what her hands are telling her.
I had been feeling ill for months (stomach pain, abdominal bloating, indigestion, disordered sleep, nausea). I had been to see medical doctors, had blood tests and ultrasounds, but nothing was found. I came to Chloé through a referral from a naturopath (and boy am I glad I did). In one session, she found the root cause and did some visceral work on the organs in my abdomen. She explained the causes as being both lifestyle/stress-related and explained its effect on my organs. By the time I got off the table, I felt 75% better and was feeling well on my way to 100% better in a few days. What a relief!
She has a unique approach in that she uses metaphors to help explain healing exercises (and they work!) In addition, when she discovered I was interested in the theory behind osteopathy, she patiently answered my endless questions and generously loaned me one of her own reference books.
I would happily recommend all those who are suffering acute or chronic conditions to book an appointment with Chloé. She will change your life and the quality of it for the better!”
– Sandra R.
I wanted to say thank you
“Hi Chloe! I wanted to share a success with you! About two days after I saw you in August with Ara, she felt like she wanted to try again to stop wetting the bed. She’s tried many times before and never had even one successful night, and has been hesitant to try again for over a year.
This time she did, and today, a month later, she’s been over a week without a single accident. She’s so excited and super proud since she was starting to feel like this was hanging over her head, so to say.
I feel like this is related to her treatment, and I wanted to say thank you. We really appreciate all you do for our family, and although I can’t give back in any sort of equal way, I pray for you often and let others know about you as often as I get the opportunity to. I hope all is well, and I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.”
– Lavina
It’s such an incredible feeling to have my life back
“Hello Chloé. I wanted to review the incredible improvement I’ve experienced since your treatment in early August. The pain I had been experiencing for some time started to ease off about 3 to 4 days after your last treatment. I started to sleep longer and longer through the night which in itself is such a big blessing.
Each day, I feel more and more like my former self. It’s such an incredible feeling to have my life back. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
– Steve K.
I felt immediate relief after the first session
“After overhearing a conversation in a grocery store a few years ago about how pleased a woman was after being treated by her Osteopathic therapist for her sore shoulder – my wife could not resist to ask her who she had seen, as I was suffering with a very painful shoulder and had even tried cortisone shots. Her therapist’s name was Chloé Sardin, and we immediately booked an appointment.
I felt immediate relief and gained significant mobility after the first session. She treated me weekly for about three weeks, then every other week for a few treatments and finally told me that if I followed her home exercises, that she would not have to see me anymore. She was absolutely right.
Recently I seriously damaged my ankle, to the point that I could not stand or walk on it when I got up in the morning, or after sitting for a while. The pain simply wore me down, affected my sleep, and I felt like I was aging fast. Again, I felt the difference after my first visit and Chloé could feel how tired my body was and told me that I needed to pay more attention to my body in order to heal. I had three follow-up visits and each time she told me how my body was improving and the ankle was doing much better. She again informed me that as long as I pay attention to my body, and do my home exercises, that she did not have to see me again.
Chloé is a delightful and amazing professional, with gifted and healing qualities, and an astonishing sense of the human body. How many times have you been told by your doctor, or any other professional service provider for that matter, not to come back? Would I recommend Chloé, (from a purely selfish standpoint I’d say no, because I don’t want her to become so busy that I will have to wait six months for an appointment) truthfully the answer is absolutely, if you’re hurting, get in to see her.”
– Bob Morisset, Calgary, Alberta
I cannot recommend her enough
“Chloé is one of the most talented health-care practitioners of any discipline, with an uncanny ability to find the source of issues that others have often missed and recommend holistic solutions. She has a sincere desire to promote the health and well-being of her patients, and doesn’t compromise to that end. I cannot recommend her clinic’s services enough for acute to chronic issues or general maintenance to avoid them altogether!”
– Lawrence L.
Chloe, my colicky baby is no longer …colicky!!
“Hello! Just wanted to update you and thank you. Isaiah is honestly a different baby! He went from crying 4-5 or more hours a day to crying maybe a half hour in total the last couple of days – normal! He went from taking over an hour of screaming for me to put him to sleep, to taking 5 CALM minutes. He even started sucking his soother- maybe unrelated? I no longer dread when he wakes up. He used to only be happy for 5 minutes after a sleep and a feed, now he’s smiling and cooing for an hour at a time! He used to scream in his car seat even before I’d put him in it, and yesterday we did a lot of driving and he was fine all day! We were at a wedding yesterday and he was a perfect baby for the whole 8 hours we were there…and would fall asleep in my arms with no fuss. Everyone was commenting on how great of a baby he was…they should have seen him prior to Thursday…
Sorry for the long winded run-on email…but I was so excited I had to share! Finally, I’m enjoying my baby. Thank you so much.”
– Lavina
Chloé helped me with my depression
“I first saw Chloé in 2012 when I started showing signs of depression and felt like my body was breaking down. Overall body aches and pains were stopping me from physical activities. The physical and mental pain was circular and I didn’t know who could help me. My yoga teacher recommended seeing Chloé. I had never been to an Osteopath and I didn’t know what they do so I had no expectations.
Chloé did not just treat my symptoms; she assessed everything. I was delightfully surprised how different her approach was from any other professionals. I distinctly remember her saying when I asked her how often I should see her and she said “I’d rather get you fixed and feeling great as soon as possible so I am not going to tell you to come five times a week: come when you think you need to, but when my patients are feeling great, that means I’ve done my job right.” There was no pressure and she fixed me. She also recommended I see a Naturopath which I appreciated because usually nobody sends you to see their “competition”.
Chloé listens to what you say and how you say it and, more importantly, she listens to your body. This combination helped me understand my body better and often I now know what my body and mind need. She teaches you how to take care of yourself and I appreciate that more than any prescription drugs. I am happy that I saw her before turning to any anti-depressant drugs or to other aggressive treatments.
Now I know that when something is off-balance, I need her touch and that it is most likely due to frequent exposure to daily chronic stress and that my energy is not circulating as it should.
I have recommended Chloé to my friends, family and coworkers, and what I say is that before taking any extreme measures, try listening to your body and learning more about your own body. Most of us are too busy with our lives to listen. Take the time and re-evaluate you own body, energy, and priorities, and balance your mind, body, and soul.”
– Nadia
Chloé is helping my child who has Sensory Processing Disorder
“Hi Chloé! Michael was sick the week before he saw you. After Michael’s appointment with you, he went right to sleep in the van. The next day, Michael made some pretty amazing progress! Michael framed his father. He became mischievous. I’ve never seen this. It was awesome!
Jeremy asked Michael if he’d like to play a video game and Michael said “no”. Jeremy kept asking Michael, thinking that Michael didn’t understand, and Michael kept saying “no”, and the “no”s were escalating.
I told Jeremy to ask once, just like he would anyone else. Michael went over to Jeremy and whispered “game?” Jeremy said “yeah, you can play the game!” Michael ran to me shouting jargon that ended with “game”, pointing to his father. He clearly framed his father.
Michael locked the baby gate on me as I was about to come up stairs, looked at me and ran to the living room.
Michael climbed into a chair he was never able to get into before, without any help or assistance.
Michael, when we were leaving, told me to “sit”. So I did. Michael said “bye” and held out his hand and said “keys”. He went to the door and said “bye” to me and told Emily to “come”. Michael has made a ton of progress in the last couple of days! Thank you Chloé!!”
– Carmen
Thank you for all of your support…
“Thank you for all of your support and healing presence yesterday. I so appreciate all that you do for me (and everyone lucky enough to have you as their practitioner.)”
– Michelle
Thank you so much
“(Our sons) Wyatt and Henry had the best sleeps in a long time and slept in an hour more than usual. Thank you so much.”
– Cathy
I am feeling a restoration of wholeness and flow
“Good Afternoon Chloe,
I just wanted to express my appreciation for the beautiful and very deep treatment yesterday. There have been significant shifts in the flow of my body and the balance of my hips. I recently had been having a recurrence of an old chronic left hip pain but did not mention it because my primary concerns are the migraines and tinnitus. During the treatment I felt brief sharp pains behind the knee and in the leg as the hip released and there has been a profound balancing and softening through my glutes, pelvis, spine and shoulders since. I am feeling a restoration of wholeness and flow and look forward to continuing this process of healing with you.”
With thanks,
– Martha